
The Mi'kmaw OrthoConverter

Convert between Mi'kmaw orthographies | Sa'se'wa'sikl wi'katikne'l l'nu-iktuk | Convertir entre orthographes en mi'kmaw

This word is written as: | Ula klusuaqan tel-wi'kasik: | Ce mot est écrit ainsi:

Francis-Smith putɨp
Listuguj put'p
Pacifique potep
iRand orthography is complex. Conversion to and from this orthography is a work in progress.
Lexicon putɨp
Metallic budêp
Character substitution table | Ta'n tel-pilui-wi'kasikl knukwatiknn | Table de substitution des caractères

The difficult-to-type characters on the left may be substituted by those on the right.
Ta'n tujiw metue'k ulaal patatuje'l knukwatiknn ewi'kmnn, awna kisi-wi'kmnn inaqane'l.
Les caractères qui sont difficiles à saisir (à gauche) peuvent être remplacés par ceux à droite.

ā a-
ă a/
â a!
ä a:
à a'
ç c
ĕ e/
ê e!
ë e:
è e'
ĭ i/
ï i:
ɨ *
ì i'
ō o-
ŏ o/
ô o!
ö o:
ò o'
ŭ u/
ü u:
ù u'
{} Brackets surrounding text will be ignored by the OrthoConverter. Use this for names, dates, etc., that you do not want the OrthoConverter to read; e.g.
Wejia'p {Ontario 2022}ek.